
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chattanooga day 3 and 4

Bruce under the roof of La Pistoal 12a

La Pistola send

The moves before the crimp

Mike grabbing the crimp on the dyno

Eddie going for the crimp

Mike loosing the heal 40 ft up

Bruce setting up

Chris squeezing his way up two tufas

Arno with no shoes

Right before I planted ass on ground

Bruce on the high line

Our third day started out with a nice breakfast. Bruce and I paddled out to the cliff in a canoe. Everyone else drove over to Hale's Marina and rented a pontoon boat and rode over. The day was perfect. Sunny with periodic shade from high clouds. In the past years of climbing on Nickajack I have not really tried a bunch of new lines. This trip I only climbed inspiring beautiful lines. I have heard description about lines and grades attached to them, but honestly I could careless about all of that. I like being pushed as far as I can be pushed and fall into the water. I love the free feeling that I have with deep water soloing. It is as close as I will probably get to free soloing at or near my limit.

There are many wonderful lines that are of all difficulties. The lines farthest to the left on the steep tufas are beyond sweet. Steep pockets and pinching tufas, rad!!! One line that we worked was a cool line to a huge jug dyno to a crimp. All points off. No one polled it off, but we did take some great shots of going for it.

On the fourth day we climbed at Foster Falls again. We scampered down to the Jimmywood wall. There is a great selection of lines on the higher sector. From L to R it's 10b, 10b, 12a, 8+, 10a, and 11a. So we Climbed all but the 10a. I looked at the 12a from the ground and it looked like there were only one or two hard moves. So I roped up and moved through the roof and fell trying to pull on a crimp that I did not even need. I lowered and send on the next go. La Pistola is a fun line, but I wish the roof was 6 moves longer. Next we climbed the 11a roof Snake Charmer. SC is a fun line that should be climbed a ton more. I think that because it is high off the trail is why it is over looked. If you are at Jimmywood check it out, well worth it.

That night my buddy Bruce and I sent up a high line slackline. About 10ft off of the ground. Bruce was better than me. Not to mention that I ate shit from very high. Killer fun!!

The next day we climbed at Urban Rocks Gym. Great gym. We were super tired and headed home after. On a side note today is our last day in NOLA. We head to Washington tomorrow. This trip before Japan is going to be great. We plan on going to Smith Rock for a while and crank hard. I really want to pull on some 12's very bad!!! We also are planning to backpack into the Enchantments and climb some alpine lines. Prusik Peak, Stuart Ridge, West Ridge, etc. And Leavenworth is for sure on the radar. Stay tuned for that.

Here are a few photos from these days, enjoy.


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