Tuesday, May 18, 2010
So Star and I had a blast in NE Washington. The weather was perfect. Blue skies and sunny all but one day. We took the mothers to brunch and ate a buffet that was great.
We spent a day fishing and caught four very small fish. We hung out with the in-laws. To fun.
On Wednesday the weather was to nice. Star, Rod and Robin, and I headed to the Tieton River area for some camping and climbing. The first day we climbed at the Royal Columns area. We hiked up and found the crag very easily. Oriented ourselves very fast and geared up. We climbed a couple of great routes and a couple of marginal routes. Orange Sunshine is a super fun line. Short at about 80 ft, it leaves you wishing it was another 200ft. The slightly over hung crux finger crack at the top is sooooo much fun. We also climbed a unmemorable 11a and 10b not so much fun sport lines. There was just not too much to them. We ended the day with a killer .9 corner crack that was hands and fingers. That night we camped and woke up to perfect conditions again. This time we went to an area called the Cave. But on this hike we ran into three rattle snakes!!!!!! I have never been that close to a rattler before. I was very spooked. So much that I could not focus for the first half of the day climbing. I was consumed with checking everywhere to make sure there were no snakes. I mean who could blame me, I was with my prego wife.
Anyway, we climbed some fun lines but had to check out around 4. We climbed sport this day. We ended on what I thought was an 11a, but turned out to be a project that only seemed to be an 11c. Still fun and if there were not so many snakes I'd make another trip there in July.
The next day we made it to Bellingham and met up with some friends from AAI. We picked up some great beta for Index and decided to climb there the next day.
Index is a magical place. The trad lines make me wish that I lived in Index. The Lower wall is amazing with the upper wall looking to be even more exciting. We only had time to climb at one area so we choose to check out the closer LW. It was cool. We climbed a few classic routes. We wanted to get on much more but could not due to the heard of people at the base. Index is a very popular area, and this the quality routes that we saw I know why. The most memorable was Godzilla. Super fun route with great moves.
We did not bring the camera to Index but I hope you enjoy the photos from the Tieton.
Next is Zion in a week and then A few trips to Chatty and LRC before going back to Washington in July.
Go climb something!!!!!!
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