Monday, December 21, 2009
So last weekend Cody and I headed for Chatty. We left after I was finished with work and camped at HP40 Thursday night. It was 25F. We woke early and I showed him around a bit and we rolled out. Drove straight to Tennessee Wall.
As we hiked up the overcast sky started to clear. The temps jumped at least 10 to 15 degrees. By the time we geared up and I was ready to climb it was blue sky, sun and 50F. What I call a T-Wall day. We ran up a classic 5.7 and 5.8. Cody had not climbed outside in three years so I did not know what to expect. Turns out he did not take any rests on either line.
That night we went into town and eat at Lupis. We crashed at the T-Wall camping area and and woke to cold overcast weather. I was not pumped to start climbing. It looked like the forecast was calling on rain for early afternoon so we decided to get at least one or two line in. We wound up climbing one, Razor WORM 5.8 or 9. It was a fun route. I always warm up on Goldenlocks 5.8+ to then play on Cake Walk 10a, which is the first ten that I lead on gear last season. The clouds started to rolling so we decided not to chance it and hiked out. We made it to town and caught a movie. We drove in the rain to Desoto State Park and camped there for the night. We were meeting up with our buddy Mike to crush in the rain. You ask where can one crush in the rain, Little River of course. We went to the Unshackled wall for some fun. It turned out that the rain was coming in from an angle and all that was clean to climb was Iron Mike 12a. Mike lead first and found out that the town was wet. He was not able to send it due to the crux being soaked, but was able to get through the crux and whip. I gave it a go and made it through the crux but it was too wet to clip the chains. It will go down on my next trip out. Warming up on a 12a is rough for sure.
We rolled out after that but I was able to get Cody pumped back up to climb again. I think that he is going to start to get out more with me to send.
Oh yea, a big congrats goes out to Cody for becoming the newest member of the College Ambassador program with Mountain Khakis. Way to go bro. Where your MK's everywhere!!!!!!!!
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