Sunday, November 1, 2009
So it looks like Bobby and I will be leaving bright and early Friday morning. We will secure a few campsites for the crew coming up and get the party started. Bobby is just starting to feel better after hurting his plantar fascia in a rough fall a few weeks back, so I'm not sure how much climbing he will be doing. But we are planning to stay at HP through Sunday then head north to Chattanooga. Not exactly sure where we will be going but looks like T-Wall, Stone Fort, Fosters, Rock Town are all options. Not all of these places are in Chatty proper but we have time to drive. I really want to climb at T-Wall myself, but we will see what peps want to do.
I am super pumped about the triple crown. I love the scene there. HP has some of the best bouldering I have been on in my life. The high concentration of boulders is wonderful. I am very excited to send some of my projects this weekend. I will train everyday through Thursday mainly power endurance to get my body used to climbing at my limit all day on Saturday. I have been training for this lately but I can see that I need a final push. We will see.
Also we are going to meet one of my other buddies up there in Alabama, Mike. He will be up there crushing it anyway so we should have a crush fest. Anyway, I will write soon. I want to bring my laptop on the trip to send photos but I'm not sure I want to take that much time away from climbing.
Go Climb Something!!!!!
The pictures are from last season at Hp. Enjoy!!!!
Have fun up at the Triple Crown! Send hammerhead! Alex