
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Masseys Swap Meet

Massey's Outfitters is having a gear swap the weekend of June 26th. If you are not familiar with a swap meet here is a brief description of Massey's. The days preceding the meet Massey's will be sending out emails with more details.

Anyone can show up with their old gear, that pertains to Massey's, and sell it. Customers will be given a ticket so a Massey's and the customer will be able to keep track of the item. The item will be put on display under a tent in the parking lot of the N. Carrollton/Mid-City location. If the item is purchased Massey's will take care of the transaction for you and give the customer the correct amount of tender.

Now the cool part. Just say that you bring a tent and want to sell it for $100. Massey's will price it for you and merchandise it for you. If the tent sells, Massey's will give you 80% of the $100 in cash, or 100% in a store credit at Massey's. SWEET!! Win/Win situation. Cash or more gear. I always want more gear
So, get out there and start going through your old gear. Bring it by Massey's and get yourself some more gear. New gear. Advanced Gear

Go Climb Something!!!!!!


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